Thursday, April 19, 2012

Easter holiday trip to Valencia!


Wow…I can’t believe that my last post was about snow three months ago! I am sorry to everyone who has been patiently waiting for me to update this…

I guess life has just seemed pretty normal lately, or as “normal” as living in Spain can be. After falling into my routine of work and private lessons sandwiched by the three-day weekends, it is hard to find something that I am dying to write about. One exciting thing that has happened since the last update is that I have once again decided to pursue law school. I have been spending my free time recently working on my personal statement, gathering recommendation letters, and making sure I have everything I need ready to go so that I can send out applications this fall.

The only other update I have is about my recent trip to Valencia. Last week I had the whole week off for Easter holidays. Since I have been dying to go to the beach and experience some warm weather, Patrick and I made our way to Valencia to soak up the sun on the pretty beach, Malvarrosa, and take in the beautiful sights of the city. Valencia is on the east coast on Spain and it is the third-largest city (behind Madrid and Barcelona). I had a blast. Although the Mediterranean Sea was wayyyyy too cold to actually get into, the architecture made for awesome walks through the city, the paella was delicious, and I can’t tell you how good it felt to nap on the beach. There are no other words to describe the city other the GORGEOUS. Take a look for yourself…

Little bit of home in a mug.

Wandering around the city upon arrival...

The Cathedral.

Just the beginning of some INTENSE graffiti in Valencia. Stay tuned.

Central Market.

Sound it out?

Found this in a vintage shop! From Austin, TX to Valencia, Spain. It is a small world afterall.

More of that intense graffiti, as promised.

Paella Valenciana.

Plaza de la Virgen

Oh, hey.

View from my room in the hostel.

Beach! Malvarrosa.

A friend I met at the hostel.

Pizza for dinner. I am so excited!

Patrick's barbacoa pizza.

My vegetable pizza.

Then we went for a walk after dinner...

Inside the hostel.

Awesome stairs in the hostel. Also, there was no elevator.

My room! Not bad at all.

Last day in Valencia!

Good morning!

We journeyed into central market. It. Was. Awesome.

A million types of olive.

Jamon, duh. Yes, those are a million ham legs dangling around.

Valencia oranges!

Up for a bull fight?


Your typical government building.

Bus drivers protesting in front of a government building. Estamos en crisis!

Trying horchata for the first time. Notice Horchateria in the background.

My first time to have horchata, too!

Paella for lunch before heading back to Salamanca.

He's a fan:)

The amazing Spanish countryside.

This picture doesn't do the view justice...

But yeah, Spain is beautiful.

There were so many wind farms! Patrick snapped this epic photo on our way back to Salamanca.

Well, I hope you enjoyed the pictures! I love and miss everyone back home. Exactly two months from today I will be on my way back to Texas. I can't believe it has already been seven months! Well, I'll be seeing everyone soon, and hopefully I'll make time to update again soon, too :)